Monday, May 9, 2011

Ten Things

Hi! My name is Winnie Wright!
I am a Senior majoring in Broadcast news.
I find blogging to be a lot easier than writing things in a notebook because we always have a computer in front of us anyhow.
I am currently an intern for WVUA- TV and I will be interning with Fox 6 in Birmingham in July.
Next spring I plan to intern for the UN in their press department.
Traveling is my favorite thing to do.
I love studying other cultures.
I have met a lot of famous people on random occasions.
I want to be an investigative journalist.
My favorite movie is Gone with the Wind.
I only eat the red gummy bears. is my favorite place to buy clothes.


  1. I am horrible about writing things down, but I don't like the informal feel of typing ideas, thoughts, etc. on a computer. I am slowly getting over it though. :)

  2. Why only the red gummy bears? Do you pick them out or separate before you eat?

    I ask because I have a son who is very... ummmm.... particular about his food and how things look and smell. He even smells toast before he eats it!

    Welcome to the course! I think it will be a really great term.

  3. I am not sure about lulus, but I do fancy ASOS!

  4. I definitely have to leave myself notes. My friends always make fun of me for being busy so I am a post-it leaver. I have to be to keep myself sane. But I love blogging because you can type out your ideas more quickly than on paper, that way they don't slip through the cracks.

    About gummy bears... I don't really remember when that began. My dad used to always make us eat at buffets as a kid. Who am I kidding? He still does. Anyway, I would always get ice cream after dinner and some gummy bears. One day I decided I only like the red ones and it has stuck ever since. All the other ones make me queazy to think about... so weird.

  5. I think the UN would be an awesome place to intern. I think it's a fascinating organization that often gets overlooked (a lot of people don't even realize it's in the US I've found).

  6. Hey Winnie! Thought about you last week per the storm damage in Rome, GA. Hope the family is well. Funny being a graduate student--I'm taking classes with my own students:)

  7. Mark: I like Lulus because no one really knows about it. I always have something semi-original, which is hard to pull off in a city as small as Tuscaloosa. My own way of being creative.
    Alex: Yea, they called me one day and offered me a position for fall, but it was too short notice. I am trying to make it happen for spring though! So exciting!
    Brice: yes, I found it very funny when I saw you on the roster. I like that you are always continuing your education. There is always so much to learn!
